Gran Angular


GRAN ANGULAR was born in 2005 with a precise documentary vocation.

After developing several TV programs and documentaries about sports, we ended our first underwater documentary “NADIR: the shipwreck of El Naranjito”. During three years, the company getting immerse into a gripping project: TOP DIVE SITES., 13 episodes about different diving sites all over the word.

Due to the successful receipt from the lovers of travel and adventure audience, we started the second season of “TOP DIVE SITES” composed of 13 new episodes that complete the first production.

All of the members of Gran Angular are very worried about the state of the underwater ecosystem and we decide make a new documentary series that reflect the main problems that the marine fauna faced. “SUBMERGED UNIVERSE”.

With the technology development, Gran Angular started filming in 4K quality and this fact made possible created others unit high quality documentaries like “STRANGE CREATURES” that shows the spectator how the Batangas´ sea is, the beauty of the coral and animals that live among The Red Sea´s reefs and sandy areas in “RIVALS IN THE REEF” and “THE WHITE DEATH” that narrates the life in the damaged sea bottoms of Seychelles, how the coral is turning white and the problem that hide these awesome ecosystem.

Currently, Gran Angular, is deep into the “THE VOLCANO´S LEGACY”, a unique documentary that shows us how the power of the volcanic nature affects the marine life in the Island of Santo Antão in Cape Verde.